Counting the Cost of Following Jesus

Are you exploring what it means to follow Jesus of Nazareth? Do you already believe, but feel like there’s something missing in your life with him? Do you want to dig deeper into following him more fully?

Jesus tells us that before we follow him, we have to count the cost to be sure we know what we’re getting into and if we can finish. But counting the cost not only means looking at what I have to give, but what it takes to build. How do I build the foundation, lay the bricks, mix the mortar, support the structure?  Beyond that, what is this tower even for? What is its purpose, and do I even want it? 

This 5 session video series digs deep into the cost and value, the joy and pain, the life and death of discipleship so we would truly know that we are willing to give what it costs to follow Jesus. To raise a tower is costly indeed. But it is the only thing worth everything.


    • This study is intended for small groups, but can also be used for personal study.

    • There is a STUDY GUIDE available for download below which contains the reflection questions, as well as additional material to help think through the questions. Please download the guide below.

    • Begin session 1 by watching the first video and take as much time as needed in discussion and response afterward. If time allows, read through the summary and all questions, then open up to share what you would like. The questions are likely too much to get through all together in each session, so read through them silently and open the time to sharing a few thoughts and responses, or simply begin with the first question and get as far as you can. Consider opening each subsequent meeting with an opportunity to share thoughts and reactions to the questions processed individually from the previous session before beginning the next video.

    (If you do not have a group and would like to ask questions or have someone to discuss the questions with, we offer free coaching and would love to come alongside you. Please reach out via the CONTACT page.)

  • The questions for each session are meant to spark deep introspection and honest self-assessment. Many are “cluster questions” meant to get you thinking about an idea, rather than an answer to each particular point. Because of this, to truly get the most out of this study, it will be important to spend time with each of these questions in your personal time. It may be helpful to write down your responses in a journal or notebook. There are supplementary quotes and verses in the printed study guide to help you think through these ideas. It is not important that you answer each question, but rather that you dig deep where you need to.

Download the Study Guide: