Derek & Ashley

We are Derek & Ashley. We’re passionate about following Jesus and helping others to do the same.



Growing up I became skeptical of religion after hurtful experiences with those who used Jesus’ name. I came to see all religion as superstition, and by adolescence I had decided to be atheist. Even so, I deeply desired to be a good, kind, purposeful person and live a meaningful life. It was in the hunt for that that I met the real, true living Jesus. I came to know him - the one who hears me pray in my secret heart - who answers when I call- and fell in love with him. There is no better joy than knowing the true, alive God and being known by him. It is amazing that we get to join in his creative work, to help others discover who he truly is and at the same time who we truly are!

I love being a mommy to my sweet girls and a wife to my wonderful husband. I also love being a friend. I am on a mission to see the beauty God has created in each person I meet, and to draw it out, dwell on it, and watch it interact with the beauty of others.


I grew up going to church and believing in God, but for me there was definitely a switch later in life when I was moved from being CONVINCED to being CAPTIVATED with Jesus. It is this captivation that has truly brought me to life in Him. We don’t merely bring an idea or worldview to people around us, but the living flame of life. That is what I want for others, both for current and not-yet believers. We don’t serve an idea, but a LIVING GOD!

Otherwise, I love being a husband to my amazing wife, and father to my two breathtaking daughters. I love photography as a way to create beautiful images of the images of God. I also have a hot/cold relationship with playing music. Currently trying to re-warm. :)



Our efforts are focused primarily with Catalan speaking people in the city of Barcelona, Spain . Historically, this region has had very negative experiences with the representation of who God is, making it difficult for many to consider that he might be the light and life we know him to be (see video below). Beginning with one-on-one discipleship, we seek to cultivate small communities of new believers into the living, multiplying, vibrant body of Christ he calls us to be.


Friends of Ours

The following are merely a few of the people/organizations that have truly shaped and molded us for the ministry the Lord has for us. These are folks we love so much we can’t help but shout about!



YWAM BCN is doing awesome things in the city of Barcelona. They work to connect with young people through things like skateboarding, art, photography, soccer (football), and the like. They also have several members ministering through personal coaching as well as a operating a prayer room dedicated to praying for the city of Barcelona and the city-wide body of Christ. We’re excited about what they are doing and are super eager to be a part of the team. Find out more about them at the link below.


The Gathering Network is our church home in Kansas City. We were drawn to them for their passionate and intentional love of Jesus and their desire to follow him regardless of the cost. Their willingness to listen to the Lord and work however He calls them has been a huge inspiration and encouragement to us. If you ever find yourself looking to connect with the Body of Christ in Kansas City, we highly recommend you pay them a visit.

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The Sending Agency is a division of The Sending Project in Kansas City, which exists to build missional awareness, community and collaboration among a diversity of churches in the Kansas City area. We love the work they do in building unity among the church toward God’s mission for His people, and we’re excited to be a part of their team.


AGAPE + (mas) is directed by our good friends with the intention of serving and supporting people of exclusion in Barcelona. They work with the homeless population, largely in the neighborhood of El Raval, offering help with social programs, equipping outreach, a reintegration house, and training others to reach the needy in their city. We love the work their doing in Barcelona. If you ever find yourself in Barcelona, join them on an outreach.

Agape + Facebook page (in spanish)



The Crossing was our original church home in Columbia, MO. We served and attended there for many years and they have played a huge role in our spiritual formation. We love the Crossing and are so thankful for our time there, as well as for their continued partnership in our lives and work. If you ever find yourself in Columbia, Missouri, we highly recommend you get connected to The Crossing.


Our friends Jesse & Leah Roberts create truly amazing musical works of art. Whether it’s THE GOLGOTHA EXPERIENCE, a 14 song journey through the stations of the cross, FIRSTBORN, beautiful meditations for Adent, or EVERYPSALM, musical adaptations of all 150 Psalms, all of their work under the moniker POOR BISHOP HOOPER draws you in to the truth and beauty of the gospel and who Jesus is. If you ever find yourself desiring moving, meaningful, Jesus-focused music, definitely explore their catalogue. You’ll be so glad you did.




In the winter of 2018 we had the immense honor to attend a training in San Francisco, CA with a house church network led in part by Francis Chan. It was a brief but potent time of learning and seeing how to incarnate the church in a city much like Barcelona. We learned and grew so much there. Through their training and equipping, they are having massive national, and indeed international impact on the ways people do church. If you ever find yourself in San Francisco and looking to join the body of Christ on mission there, look them up. Or, if you’re pastor or missionary looking for a new perspective on how to reach people in your context, we definitely recommend their church intensive training.