To Raise A Tower:



What are we building?

The bible says that kingdom of heaven is the forgiveness of sins, the life out of death, the healing and redemption and reconciliation of a broken world, the beginning of and eventually complete overthrow of evil and death in the world. If we are his people we will receive the kingdom of heaven, be comforted, inherit the earth, be satisfied, receive mercy, see God, be called sons of God, have great reward in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:2-12). We will be forgiven of our debt, our sins. If we seek his kingdom first, all the things we need will be provided. He promises to spare us from the wrath to come on all who remain rebels. He promises to acknowledge us before God, that if we lose our life for his sake we will truly find it. He promises rest for our souls. He promises that the very Spirit of God will dwell in us, will abide in us, and that we will be full of overflowing true life with him, both now and for eternity. THIS is the kingdom that Jesus calls us and makes a way into, and it is THIS kingdom that we get to join in bringing about in the world around us! We are building God’s kingdom built of radical, redeeming, life-giving LOVE.  

 “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” 

—Matthew 6:10

Reflection Questions:

  1. What do I think of when I hear the word “love”? Is it exciting to me? Does it fall flat for me? Does it bring pain? How does my understanding and experience of love compare with Jesus’ definition and example of it?

  2. Have I experienced following Jesus or Christianity in this way? How would things change for me if I more intentionally and actively began pursuing life in Jesus as an imitator, a servant, an ambassador of this kingdom of love? What, if any, changes would I need to make?

  3. What are some areas in my life that I desperately need to experience love right now? What feels broken that needs mending, wounded that needs healing, dead that needs to come alive?

  4. Are there ways that God could use me to bring his transforming love for others in my life right now? What relationships could I bring Jesus-like love to, what situations might I be able to facilitate healing through love in? Are there ways that I could love and serve sacrificially for someone else that will help them experience God’s love? (These are not things I “have” to do, but things I “get” to do.)

  5. If I spend some time thinking about it, what could I imagine that God could do in and through me if I laid down everything to follow him completely. What could he do with my situation, my talents, my skills, my passions, my relationships? Where could he use me and how could he bring new life in and through me?

    —It’s okay if you have difficulty answering some these questions. This is a journey of learning and discovery. The important thing is that we train our minds on thinking this way. If we never ask the questions, we’ll never receive the answers. Sometimes we have not because we ask not. (see James 4:2-3)