

The way of Jesus is simple.

It is beautiful, it is painful, it is costly. 

It is revolutionary.

If it is anything less, it is not the way of Jesus. He calls us not merely to new ideas and ways. He calls us to a new and full way of life. He invites us to be RE.BORN. Come as you are and explore the simple, revolutionary way of Jesus.

Do you want it?


A 10-Day Intensive training in Barcelona, Spain focusing on radical, biblical apprenticeship to Jesus and simple church.

Re.Birth Intensive is a unique program in Barcelona, exploring of the way of Jesus and simple church, focusing on radical, biblical apprenticeship to navigating life as a believer / follower. It is increasingly challenging to make sense of following Jesus in the modern world. Christianity seems to be crumbling for many people, often due to an unhealthy conflation of culture with Jesus. More and more these days, it is necessary / helpful to reset, to question what we’ve been told, to get fresh perspective on who Jesus is, what he says, what he did, and what it means to follow. Sometimes we need help to deconstruct, in order to re.construct.


JUNE 20-29, 2025

(Registration opening soon…)

10 Days Include

TEACHINGS/TRAININGS (topics may include but are not limited to:)

  • The Great(est) Story // We are part of something much bigger

  • Real Revolution // What is the gospel and how is it good news?

  • Christ or Culture // Sorting out tradition from Jesus

  • First, Follow // Following Jesus, _according to Jesus

  • More Than Just Myself // What does it mean to do and be church?

  • “Pray Like This” // A reexamination of Prayer & Spiritual Life

  • Who Am I? // The Role of Identity

  • “Go into all the world...” // Re-evaluating outreach, evangelism, & mission

    COMMUNITY MEALS w/ LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE (some meals on your own)


Is This For You?

“I really need a fresh understanding of what it means to be a Christian.”

“The Christianity of the past that I’ve seen has no appeal to me. But what about Jesus?”

“I feel like there’s something to “Jesus”, but so much that I see doesn’t make sense to me.”

“There has to be more to following Jesus than what I’m experiencing. I believe all the things, but so what?”

“I’m really struggling with going to church. It just feels pointless.”

“I really don’t see how my life is different from my non-believing neighbors.”

“I know Jesus promises “life abundantly”, but my faith feels lifeless.”

“I can’t see how to be a Christian and also (insert political affiliation here).”

“I am forever changed by Re.Birth.”

— Previous Participant

“I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot enter the kingdom of God.”