To Raise A Tower:




What does it cost?

When we reflect, as we did in session 3, on the amazing goodness of this kingdom and God we’re serving, the question of “cost” is almost non-sensical, but still real. If we don’t see the kingdom as worth everything, we don’t get what it is we’re talking about. If we do not see the pearl and feel like everything else we have is worthless, it’s the value of the pearl we don’t get. Because there is nothing we have, no matter how wonderful it is, that is worth more than the kingdom of Heaven and the God who inhabits it. Compare the pearl merchant (Matt. 13:45-46)  with the rich man (Mark 10:17-22). The man who found the pearl understood its value, therefore the cost was insignificant. For the rich young man, the price tag offered was too high. He didn’t understand the immeasurable value of following Jesus, so he could not make him his king. His allegiance was to his wealth. But the reality is we will all be traitors to someone, whether to Jesus if we reject him, or all other kings. We cannot serve God’s kingdom and at the same time, any other. 

 “So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.”

—Luke 14:33

Reflection Questions:

  1. Are there ways that following Jesus has been/might be costly to me? Has it/would it affect my relationships, life decisions, jobs, political activity, how I spend my time, etc?

  2. Do I think it is worth it?

  3. There are many kings in the world that we can serve and give our allegiance to; culture, hobbies, careers, wealth, family, self, political/philosophical ideas, experiences, sex, comforts, etc. What are the kings in my life? What do I give my time, money, energy, attention to? What do I serve the most?

  4. Like the rich young man in Mark 10, what am I afraid to lose if I fully follow Jesus? What would I have a hard time releasing control of and submitting to Him? What other king might be threatened if I give Jesus total authority in my life? (Be honest about this.) Why might I walk away? Is there a cost that is too great?

  5. What does it mean to me to take up my cross and follow him? Can I give everything to follow Jesus? What makes this difficult? What makes this exciting? What would it change for me?



We hope this study was encouraging and helpful for you. If you have any questions, would like someone to pray with you, or would like further coaching or help in following Jesus, please reach out.

We’re here for you.