Episode 3: Sweet Submission

We don’t always want to do what the Lord calls us to do. Sometimes we end up in fish bellies, depending on how hard we resist. Still the Lord persists. In this episode we discuss the real struggle with lining up our desires with his, and the gentle, sweet process He takes to bring us where he wants us.

  • - Praise the Lord for his gentleness when we are fearful, distrusting, and slow to obey.

  • - Pray that we would surrender our desires and expectations to the Lord and trust that he is good, even when we don’t understand or agree.

So many things are happening in this season that none of us desire or ever thought would happen. May we all grow in our trust in our good King, and learn to seek his joy in the midst of uncertainty and disappointment.

We’re thankful for you and we love you. Thank you for praying with us. Looking forward to tomorrow.


Episode 4: A Midnight Marking


Episode 2: Strength for the Calling