Episode 2: Strength for the Calling

Quite often (maybe always?) the Lord calls his people to things they’re not fully equipped to do. I used to hear the phrase a lot “God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.” Whatever He calls us to, we all require a lot of stretching and challenge if we’re truly to step into that calling. Please listen to the episode and pray with us today for the following:

  • Pray for strength in weakness, that His strength would be perfected where we need it to be, and that He would complete the work that He has called us to.

  • Praise the Lord that He calls weak and unworthy vessels such as us to be used for His kingdom!

  • Pray for joy in struggles, that we all would know His joy in the midst of the toughest times.

We are loving getting to pray these things over you this week! Thank you for joining us. Blessings!


Episode 3: Sweet Submission


Episode 1: Called to Missions