Episode 6: Called to the Catalans (pt. 1)
Often, when God calls us to things, he only reveals the little we need to know at the time. It’s been a long process, this gaining vision of who we’re sent to serve. But the Lord calls his people to people, draws his people through people. In this episode and the next, we discuss how the Lord slowly, but clearly revealed his calling to us to a people not our own, but one he dearly loves.
Praise the Lord that he is a good king who does not come to crush or oppress us, but to establish who he made us to be forever
Pray for the Catalan people, that hey would know Jesus, the only good and perfect king, and his love for them.
Pray that we would offer all that we are to God in love
We’re thankful that the Lord is using you to be a blessing in this time, that you are investing in HIS kingdom through prayer for us, for yourself, and for the Catalan people we go to serve. Bless you!